This article will explain changes to the way Adam Internet handles Credit Reporting as of March 2014. These changes reflect changes to Australian privacy laws that allow additional credit information to be included in an individual's credit report.

A credit report is a summary of your consumer (or commercial if you're a business customer) credit history which is held at a credit reporting agency and shared with credit providers to help them assess credit applications.

Changes to Credit Reporting

The changes are designed to provide a more complete picture of your credit profile and give credit providers (such as the iiNet group) information to make more informed decisions about sales applications.

Before the changes, most credit providers make decisions based partly on the information contained in credit reports. For those who have not recently applied for credit, such as young people, this may reduce their chance of getting credit as they have a limited history. After the changes, there may be more information in credit reports to better help credit providers make a decision when they apply for credit.

How the new system gives you more control over the information in your credit report

More information about these reforms is available at:

Full Transparency

As part of these changes, iiNet must offer you, our customer, full transparency as to which organisations we engage to assist us with our Credit and Collection activities. These activites fall under the following categories:

List of current suppliers by Brand

These are the organisations that each brand within the iiNet Group engages to assist with Credit and Collection activities.


Adam Internet